Functional Strength Program

Our “Build” Class perfects the Functional Bodybuilding Methodology and adds in the fun of the group experience!

Get Started with our Trademark 90-Day Strength Camp!

Weight Training Done Right in Dublin, Ohio.

Build is a CORE offering at Friendship Fitness. This functional bodybuilding program is designed to teach you proper lifting mechanics while varying tempo, volume, and exercise selection to keep you engaged and improve strength while reducing injury risk significantly.

A typical group Build Class will consist of:

  1. Coach Led Specific Warm-up, activating the muscles we will be using that day.

  2. Core Strength Component: This will typically be a major lift, squats, deadlifts, presses, pulls, lunges and will often involve tempo, pauses, holds and other unique challenges to provide a new stimulus.

  3. Accessory Strength Components: These are where the real strength building happens. We attack the smaller muscle groups in the body that help support and stabilize everything. By making these stronger, we attack weak links in our bodies which both increases performance and reduces the risk of injury.

  4. Physical Therapy and Core Exercises: Finally, we wrap up doing some much needed body maintenance and core stabilizing exercises.

We pack all of this into a 1-hour class, so things can move fast. The result is an elevated heart rate for an hour, an adaptive response from the body that will build lean muscle and burn fat.

If you follow the functional bodybuilding program workouts with long walks, general activity, and a great nutrition plan and consistency, you are guaranteed to look, feel, and perform beyond what you thought was possible!


Get Started with our Trademark 90-Day Strength Camp!

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It all begins with an idea. Who could you be if you were stronger, more capable, more happy and confident? What would that mean for you and your family? For your job? For your future.